Monday, June 10, 2013

Côte d'Azur

I went on a last minute, spur of the moment, insane trip down to the South of France with my friends Savannah, Megan, Ashley, Sierra, and Rachel this weekend.  I came in from Belgium Thursday night and we spent the night at a hotel called “F1 Roissy PN2” in Paris by the airport so that we could catch our 7:00 am flights.  I’m not kidding about the name.  It was such a funny hotel with the bathrooms down the hall.  The showers turned on for thirty-second intervals and were freezing cold.  I slept for a total of 3 hours before having to figure out how to fly by myself in France.  Everything went without a hitch and I feel so proud to know how to travel in a foreign country alone!
            Our hostel in the South was amazing!  
(beach cover-ups and heels in our hostel with Savannah and Sierra)
It was part of a group of hostel’s called “Hostel International.”  I stayed in a bunk bed dorm with 8 beds for women.  We had us 6 in the same room and then a young Korean girl and an old Australian woman.  She was 56 and she has cancer.  She told us that is why she is traveling all over Europe.  She is a “true hippy” in her words.  She only wears clothes in purple or green. She told us we could borrow her clothes and tried to get us to wear one of her crazy medieval purple lace dresses out on the town.  It was difficult to say no to that….
            Every day she woke up and demanded where she was and almost scratched her hair off. She was a very paranoid sleeper.  She told us stories about her crazy life.  I think she’s lonely to be traveling alone but she is so courageous for living her dreams.  She had a photo album with her and she kept it open on our table in the room to a picture of her dog.  She said he would “watch over the room.”  She would make demands of her picture like “make sure no one gets in today, keep our room safe.”  Or “make sure the men leave these girls alone.”  The Korean girl said like 2 words ever.
            We visited Nice, Cannes, and Villefrance sur-mer.  All we did was go to the beach, which is good because I’m going to Nice for a longer time with Parents when they come down here. It was amazing!  It was like Paris by the ocean with nicer people and Italian influence! The houses were beautiful old buildings in pastel colors.  The water was a beautiful turquoise and the weather was warmer and salty like the beach.  Cannes was overrated.  We went there because we were told that the beaches are sandy but I prefer New Port to Cannes.  Villefrance sur-mer is a small rocky beach with a beautiful port and houses overlooking a cliff.  It was our favorite spot.
Villefranche sur-mer
  Nice has a great night atmosphere too.  Its safe because everyone is walking around all night and the lights make it as bright as day.  All I wanted was to find someone to take us out on their yacht.  No such luck!
Cocoa Beach in Nice, France 
            Being by the beach made me ridiculously homesick.  I kept thinking about Santa Cruz and New Port and how much I miss and love my family.  I really am so blessed to live where I live.  France has just made me want to travel and see everything; but I am lucky to know that the things I have seen in California really are some of the most amazing in the entire world.  Going to the Côte d’Azur has also made me want to go to the warm blue beaches in the Caribbean and Mexico… my next trip will be to Cabo! 

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