Saturday, May 11, 2013

One week down!

I cannot believe it has already been a week.  It literally flew by.  I'm not posting any pictures, because I haven't really taken any important ones in the past 2 days.  We went to Versailles.  It was cool... and huge... but there was so many people there, it almost wasn't worth it. It was so crowded and you moved at a slow shuffle through all the rooms.  The room of mirrors was my favorite.  The chapel for Louis 14th was uncomfortable for me because I just kept thinking about how ridiculous he was squandering all the wealth in France for his own enjoyment and mistreating the people.  He was selfish and I know God was not happy with him. But he built this huge chapel with beautiful gold and paintings on the ceiling.  I didn't get to go in to the gardens because it was freezing cold and we waited in line for so long to get into the building.  I'm going back with Megan in a couple weeks and we're going to rent bikes and ride all over and see Marie Antoinette's house:).  I'm pretty sure the only cool part of Versailles is the garden. And they are so big that making a trip solely for that is fine! Other than that, things have been great.  I don't know if I like French food as much as I thought.  Its just sort of weird.  I love the bread and chocolate and sandwiches.  I love cheese.  I love that they drink a ton of Orange juice.  But every formal sit down meal has been difficult to eat.  We will have a first course with just tomatoes.  Then in the pasta there will be fish, cheese, and some weird swirly vegetable. I won't like the vegetable which is weird because I love vegetables.  I don't like eggplant, and they use that a lot.  Its not that it's gross, It's just too sophisticated for my taste buds.  If I lived here for a very long time, i'm sure I would love it.  My host sister Joan said that he favorite thing to eat in Paris is Sushi!!! I'll have to give it a try. Yesterday we sampled the night life in Paris briefly.  They wear huge heels here!  More like huge formal wedges.  Some wear dresses, some wear nice pants so we all fit in one way or another.   No one goes out here till 1 in the morning.  And no one gets back until 5. The taxi driver was extremely nice and told us to watch out for nice people and don't trust them.  He said that French boys say a lot of "blah blah blah" which i didn't entirely understand because the man was talking in all french. But I think that means they'll just say what you want to hear.  He liked us because we were american and talked to us for a long time in French. I also went to H&M and when the lady said "Combien?" i said "deux" and apparently I said it wrong and she kind of smiled and in english said "two?" and it was upsetting.  I was obviously trying and I obviously understood but I guess I didn't say the world two in french right! Okay, now this is rambling. Pictures tomorrow!
(ok just kidding i forgot i had these. The first is my families garden, the second is my families home!)

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